15th Otford Scout Group consists of a Beaver Colony, two Cub Packs and a Scout Troop. They all meet at the Otford Scout Hut. Otford Scouts are part of the Sevenoaks District.
15th Otford Scout Group are celebrating 110 years since scouting began in the village.
The Seeonee Cub that currently meets on a Monday eveening are looking for new leaders to take over from Akele and Baloo as the retiree from active leadership.
If you would like to join a team of enthusiaistic volunteers please email 15thGSL@sevenoaksscouts.org.uk for more information.
Aged 6-8 years
Monday 5pm - 6.15pm
Aged 8-10.5 years
Seeonnee Cub Pack
Monday 6.45pm - 8.15pm
Waingunga Cub Pack
Thursday 6.45pm - 8.15pm
Aged 10.5 -14 years
Friday 7.30pm - 9pm